Nous proposons un service de réparation pour votre BLOC ABS ESP
Passez commande sur le site en sélectionnant votre modèle, imprimez votre facture puis envoyez nous votre bloc ABS d'origine bien protégé en joignant la facture dans le colis, l'envoi est à votre charge, le retour est gratuit.
Nous traitons les réparations de bloc ABS en 48h à réception.
Toutes les réparations sont garantie à vie.
Défauts réparables dans la liste ci-dessous
- Pas de pression de freinage sur une des roues
- Les freins restent en pression
- Fuite de liquide de frein
- Pédale de frein molle
- C1061 Défaut moteur de pompe
- C1028 Défaut capteur de pression de freinage
It was the German company Bosch that developed the first version of ABS block in the late 1970s. The principle of the ABS system is now known to all since it simply prevents the wheels from locking when the driver presses the brake a little abruptly.
Before explaining the ABS block, it is important to understand the ABS system in its entirety. We distinguish for the Suzuki SX4 car ...
The ABS block of the Suzuki SX4 car is made up of the following elements in particular:
It collects the indication that emanates from the brake pedal.
It transfers hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.
The reasons for this are various, and the ones that often show up are... The car lacks stability on wet roads or the brake pressure regulation is not done properly.
Diag-Engine is a French company that has largely proven itself regarding its automotive know-how. Therefore, you will not find new ABS blocks at Diag-Engine.
The operating method is simple: you choose the brand of your car, then the model and then the name of the manufacturer of the ABS block that corresponds to it. All you have to do is order and ship us your defective ABS block.
48 hours are needed for your ABS block to be restored to working order and sent to the address you indicated.
You will find our address at the bottom of the site.
Don't worry, if you are not sure about the model of the ABS block, just ask us so that we can provide it to you.
Pay in installments or later by credit card with Alma.